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How long will it take for my item(s) to be delivered?

Most orders ship the same day if the order is placed by 12:00 pm Central Standard Time, and if you are shipping regular FedEx Economy, you can expect your package in 9 business days or less. If you use the Guaranteed Ground service, your order should arrive within 5 business days.

Some products that we are out of stock of are drop-shipped (shipped directly from the manufacturer) to you. In this case, please add an additional 3 to 5 business days of shipping time.

Please note: If you place your order after 12:00 pm CST Monday-Friday the first day of transit will start 2 days after (not including weekends or holidays). Saturday and Sunday are not to be counted towards days of delivery.

Will I get a tracking number for my item(s) that are being drop-shipped?

Yes, as soon as your tracking number becomes available to us from the manufacturer, or on our shipping account, we will send that to the email address we have on your order. Thank you for your patience.

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  1. Scott Fawkes

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
